Friday, May 29, 2020

20) Is Your Resume Lying

How I Found A Job (4/20) Is Your Resume Lying My resume was lying, kind of. No, it did not have lies on it. It was not fictitious. But it was not true to the job I was applying for. I knew that I could make some tweaks and make it more of a product manager resume, and Id probably get more replies and interviews.   But I didnt. My ego was in the way.   Seriously. And, a part of me was afraid to be successful in my job search. Double seriously. My resume was okay. Id give it a B+. For a targeted product manager resume Id give it a C. Not because it didnt have product manager stuff on it, but because I knew there were tweaks I could have made to make it much more appealing for product manager roles. I say this not to boast, but it was the reality of my search. I knew I could have tweaked that one thing and gotten better results. But did I really want better results? I was still conflicted about getting a job Anyway, heres the point of todays post: YES, your resume should be tweaked. Get it hyper-focused on the role/title you are applying to. The purpose of your resume is to make it past the screeners. That might be a recruiter, it might be a hiring manager, it might be technology (ATS). If you are one of 50 (or one of 500) and there are others that are clearly better positioned than you, according to the resumes, then you lose. Its as simple as that. My first job, as a hiring manager with a lot of applicants, is to figure out who I should focus on. If I have 5 or 10 that are perfect matches on paper then I focus on those, as opposed to those who are near matches but have weird stuff and distractions. Those distractions might make you feel good (look, it shows more about your breadth or depth) but they are LIES at this point. Stay super hyper focused. Dont let your ego dictate your resume content. Use the resume as a tool to get you into interviews. not as a brag sheet to be read at your funeral to show how cool and accomplished you were. Ignore this and you will be, like I was, passed over too many times. How I Found A Job (4/20) Is Your Resume Lying My resume was lying, kind of. No, it did not have lies on it. It was not fictitious. But it was not true to the job I was applying for. I knew that I could make some tweaks and make it more of a product manager resume, and Id probably get more replies and interviews.   But I didnt. My ego was in the way.   Seriously. And, a part of me was afraid to be successful in my job search. Double seriously. My resume was okay. Id give it a B+. For a targeted product manager resume Id give it a C. Not because it didnt have product manager stuff on it, but because I knew there were tweaks I could have made to make it much more appealing for product manager roles. I say this not to boast, but it was the reality of my search. I knew I could have tweaked that one thing and gotten better results. But did I really want better results? I was still conflicted about getting a job Anyway, heres the point of todays post: YES, your resume should be tweaked. Get it hyper-focused on the role/title you are applying to. The purpose of your resume is to make it past the screeners. That might be a recruiter, it might be a hiring manager, it might be technology (ATS). If you are one of 50 (or one of 500) and there are others that are clearly better positioned than you, according to the resumes, then you lose. Its as simple as that. My first job, as a hiring manager with a lot of applicants, is to figure out who I should focus on. If I have 5 or 10 that are perfect matches on paper then I focus on those, as opposed to those who are near matches but have weird stuff and distractions. Those distractions might make you feel good (look, it shows more about your breadth or depth) but they are LIES at this point. Stay super hyper focused. Dont let your ego dictate your resume content. Use the resume as a tool to get you into interviews. not as a brag sheet to be read at your funeral to show how cool and accomplished you were. Ignore this and you will be, like I was, passed over too many times.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Trends in Hiring Whats Working Now (Podcast #64) - Classy Career Girl

Trends in Hiring Whats Working Now (Podcast #64) I did a lot of homework for you all on today’s podcast. If you are currently job searching, this is a must to listen to. Over and over again, if you do this ONE thing, you will get the results you want. You will get hired at your dream job but I feel like no one is doing it. You’ll learn all about the latest hiring trends in today’s podcast as well as how to succeed in informational interviews and at job fairs. Click play below or  right click here and save link as  to download or subscribe on iTunes  here on this link: If you are enjoying our podcast, please leave us a review on iTunes! It would mean the world. Thank you! This is a special bonus recording for member’s of our Love Your Career formula community but I wanted to give you a sneak peek and what goes on behind the scenes in our membership site and the types of training and content that is available. If you’d like to add your name to the waitlist for the next time we open up our doors, you can add your name and email at It’s my goal to decrease the overwhelm in the job search process and not let any question go unanswered in our community, so it’s the place you need to be if you want results for a fraction of the cost of working with an individual career coach. So let’s get started. Trends in Hiring: Whats Working Now Why Focus on Referrals? -Ernst and Young, Deloitte and other companies report that they hire 50% of their employees through employee referrals. -It’s the #1 way to get hired. -Employers are bypassing online job searching through and trusting employee referrals for more qualified candidates. -The employee can review your resume and cover letter and make sure it has everything you need to get hired. -The employee WANTS you to get hired so that they can get their referral bonus too. WIN-WIN! How it works: You submit your resume or cover letter directly to the person who is referring you. They submit your resume directly as a referral. You get hired. YAY! ?? The employee gets a bonus for referring you usually after 90 days of you being hired. Employees can often make between $1,500-$3,000 for referring candidates in that get hired. Focus on targeting people in companies that you want to work for. Get to know them. Request informational interviews. At the end of the meeting with a hiring manager or informational interview, ask them if they know your work quality well enough to be able to refer you into the company. Note: This is a much better way of asking then can you refer me? When Requesting an Informational Interview -Tell the hiring manager what your passion is. My passion is to become a ______. -Spend a lot of time on the very first sentence. It has to be powerful. -Make the email short and sweet. Don’t repeat your request over and over. Ask once. -Compliment the person you are writing to. Show them you have done your research on them and admire their career path and accomplishments. -Share something you know about them in the email. Something you have in common if possible. -Always think referrals. You have to create a great first impression with your email. -Be focused on the career direction you want to go into. Don’t tell the person you don’t know what you want. You won’t get a referral if you do that. Getting Career Fair Referrals -Research 5-10 companies online beforehand so you know what companies you will target. -Prepare your elevator pitch geared towards each of these companies. The first sentence will say who you are and the second sentence will say why you are interested in that company. -Get there early. Be the first in line. Recruiters remember these people. -Narrow down your focus so you don’t waste time at the event. Know who you want to talk to and why. -Have resumes with you that are geared towards that company. Note: Career fairs are generally a waste of time unless you make contacts and get referrals.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Preventing Dry Skin In The Winter

Preventing Dry Skin In The Winter Dry skin is a major problem for many people in the winter. Cold weather can take its toll, especially for people with naturally dry skin. Regardless of your skin type, it is possible to keep it healthy and glowing. While it will require a few skin care regimen changes, your effort will pay off in the long run. Below, you will discover several tips to jump start your effort.  Avoid Soap  Most people utilize soap on a daily basis. However, soap is not always a good option. In fact, it is known for drying out the skin. It is understandable why people utilize soap, since it is a great way to remove dirt and oil. If you are determined to utilize soap, you should only utilize brands with moisturizers. The moisturizers will help add back the moisture lost due to the cold weather. Avoid Hot Water  There is nothing that feels better on the skin than hot water, especially in the winter. No matter how much you enjoy washing in hot water, it should be avoided at all cost. For people with dry skin, hot water will only cause more irritation. In fact, it will remove what little moisture is in the skin, resulting in even more irritation. Utilize warm water instead of hot to wash your face and entire body. Avoid Cleaners With Alcohol  Many skin care products, such as cleansers, contain alcohol which dries out the skin. Regardless of your skin type, it is crucial to avoid these products. There are a variety of skin care products on the market that do not contain alcohol. Avoiding alcohol will not only help prevent dry skin, but also improve your skin condition in more ways than one. Use All-Natural Alternatives  People who live busy lifestyles are limited on how much time they can invest in skincare. So they end up purchasing over-the-counter skincare products instead of spending what time they have to invest in homemade alternatives. Combining multiple all-natural ingredients, such as oatmeal and honey, together will go a long way in adding back the moisture your skin lost due to the cold temperatures and wind. Coconut oil and aloe is another great homemade remedy to prevent dry skin.   And youll also want to consider  the anti-aging benefits of  full  spectrum  hemp skincare.   Utilize Moisturizers Frequently Moisturizers will not only prevent dry skin, but also keep the skin looking healthy and beautiful. These products can treat a variety of skin conditions, such as eczema. Organic moisturizers are much better than other alternatives, since they do not contain harmful ingredients, such as alcohol, artificial fragrances and dyes. Moisturizers can also help prevent dirt buildup, wrinkles and cancer. There are many stores, online and offline, that offer good quality products.   Often, you can find sales and save a little money, too.   Right now,   be  sure to take advantage of 11.11 Clarins Singapore makeup and skincare sale! Utilize A Humidifier  If you utilize a heating system that utilize natural gas, it is likely that you suffer from dry skin in the winter. These systems are known to dry out the skin and cause irritation. Instead of investing in a new heating system, you should start utilizing a humidifier. This appliance will not only remedy dry skin, but also soothe it.

Monday, May 18, 2020

How to Start Building Your Personal Brand Today - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

How to Start Building Your Personal Brand Today - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career If youre having trouble balancing long-term personal brand building and career development with the requirements of your day-to-day job, I have the perfect book for you. The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results is a highly readable book that provides a fresh perspective on planning, accomplishment, and success. The ONE Thing immediately made a huge difference in my personal productivity. It can do the same for you. Since I read it, Ive finished more short-term projects and made more progress on my personal branding than in any similar period! Focus, simplicity, and personal branding In previous Personal Branding Blog posts like, Habits, Blogging, and Personal Branding Success, Time Management Tips for Personal Branding Success, and Turn Your Book Idea into a Published Book, Ive recommended numerous personal productivity and time management books. But, none has made as much of an immediate difference as The ONE Thing! The ONE Things ability to spark change comes from its focus and simplicitythe same type of focus and simplicity your personal brand should project. The first thing you see when you visit the authors website,, is a 6-slide mini-presentation (often referred to as a slider) that tells you everything you need to know about the book. Its this type of focus and simplicity that can spark the change in your daily activities that can make a big difference in your career development and personal branding. But, dont just take my word for it Additional proof of the books effectiveness comes from authors background; if the name Keller resonates with you, its because Gary Keller is chairman of the board and co-founder of Keller-Williams Realty, Inc., the largest real estate franchise in the world. In addition, his previous bestselling books have sold more than 1,300,000 copies. The ONE Thing is also: #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller #1 Amazon bestseller New York Times bestseller USA Today bestseller My personal takeaways from  The ONE Thing Each day, ask yourself, What’s the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary? Then, make sure you do something to advance your ONE Thing each day! After youve done your ONE Thing each day, you can schedule the rest of your day around fulfilling your other commitments. But, at least, youll get your ONE Thing of the day done! Multi-Tasking is just one of the lies were being told. Everybody does it, but research shows it really doesnt work! The limits of will-power. Theres only so much discipline, or will-power, available each day. Thats why you need to establish habits and routines to make up for its diminishing power. What happens when you try to chase two rabbits? You probably wont catch either! Productivity, by itself, isnt enough. Your productivity has to be based on, and driven by, priority and purpose. Energize yourself to succeed. Schedule time early in the day to build your mental energy so it will last through the day. Everyone needs success strategies to balance day-to-day career development with long-term personal branding. Most important takeaway, once again, simple, concise, and conversational writing is the best way to build your personal brand with a bestselling book! Whats YOUR one thing? Have you taken the time to identify your ONE Thing, and do you plan each day around accomplishing something that will advance it? How do you balance the need for career development in your job with long-term personal branding? Or, do you try to squeeze in your personal branding ONE thing tasks in the time left over after you finish each days routine tasks? Share your comments, experiences, and questions belowespecially if youve read Gary Keller and Jay Papasans The ONE Thing.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Resume Writing For the Retired School Counselor

Resume Writing For the Retired School CounselorIf you are planning to apply for a position as a school counselor, then it is imperative that you first prepare a resume. A well-written resume will help you land the job faster than a resume that is filled with erroneous information. It also helps you get a better salary that reflects your skills and experience.You can get a better education if you have a college education or higher. You should not worry about how much college education you have because your resume does not define whether you have the required skills to get the job. Your resume is merely used to showcase your skills and provide important information to the hiring company.Writing a resume for the retired school counselor is a challenging task but it must be done carefully. In order to avoid mistakes that can lead to loss of time and money, you must make sure that the information provided in your resume is accurate. You can use different types of templates for resume writ ing. The most popular templates include the application letter template, the job profile template, the industry-specific template, the career timeline template, and the academic guidelines template.Using templates will also help you find professional resume writers and experts who can help you create your resume. You can also consider using the Internet to find reliable resources to prepare your resume. However, keep in mind that if you write a resume by yourself, you might not be able to finish all the information needed.There is an easy way to help you deal with all the details on your resume. You must find a professional resume writer who can provide you with a resume template that includes all the necessary information needed to be included in your resume. You must then make sure that you fill all the fields on your resume. Besides filling the required fields, you must also give them all relevant information to highlight the skills and experience that you possess.Before sending out your resume, you must do some research about the companies you would like to work for so that you can show proper documentation of your professional skills. To determine the appropriate resume format for you, you must read as many resumes as possible. This will help you determine the format that will be best for you.Once you have decided on the format that suits you best, you should begin your resume. Since you are a retired school counselor, you should make sure that your resume is written in such a way that people can easily read it. You can use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and lists. It is important that you make sure that you have at least two to three professional references in your resume.This will help you get the right references for your resume. With proper resume writing for the retired school counselor, you will be able to get a better paying job in a shorter period of time. You must remember that a good resume is the key to landing the job that you want.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

6 ways to immediately improve your résumé - Sterling Career Concepts

6 ways to immediately improve your résumé 6 ways to immediately improve your résumé You may not have the resources or the time to partner with a professional résumé writer, but don’t worry â€" I’m going to share with you six edits you can make to your résumé that will improve its readability on the spot. So get ready, set, go! for a new improved résumé: Remove “responsible for” and reword to lead off with an action verb. It’s more compelling, descriptive, and personalized. Remove words such as all, various, several, multiple, assorted, and etc. They add no value and in my opinion, sound “lazy.” Either be more specific or be less wordy. Start with a headline that defines who you are followed by a concise summary paragraph and a bulleted list of areas of expertise to present you and your strengths to the reader before diving into the details of your professional experience. Objective statements are extremely passé. Quantify accomplishments and facts wherever and however you can. Address one of the questions “so what?” “with what benefit?” or “with what result?” for each of your bullets to ensure you’re conveying to reader why it was an accomplishment or achievement. Limit bullets to 2-3 lines and paragraphs to 5-6 lines max for greater readability and ease of scanning down the page. If you take a few minutes to implement these six suggestions, your résumé will become more readable, specific, and updated â€" three factors you want in your favor to rise to the top of the résumé pile. To read more on the subject, the following post shares why it’s so important from a recruiter’s perspective to submit a resume free of spelling and grammar mistakes: 10 Stupid Spelling And Grammar Mistakes You Must Avoid Of course if you would like to speak with me about your resume challenges, and how we can help you achieve a well-written, keyword driven, accomplishment based resume, contact me by email or phone. Id be happy to talk to you.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Solopreneurs and Small Businesses Think BIG about your Presence!

Solopreneurs and Small Businesses â€" Think BIG about your Presence! I had no idea there are so many great resources available to make a small business â€" even micro businesses â€" look BIG to the rest of the world. Thirty years with Fortune 500s and one start-up that grew bigger fast, I saw how pricey public relations, social media, and other marketing resources could be. Completely unaffordable for the average entrepreneur, I thought. Then I jumped ship. Yes, 5 years ago I became a full-fledged solopreneur, investing in â€" and promoting â€" my own business. I made a career change from a corporate sales and marketing executive to a career speaker, author, and private coach. Like most small businesses, I don’t have boatloads of money in the bank and I’m certainly not independently wealthy. So I need to make this work on my own nickels. I want to “think big” but how? How can “objects in the mirror appear larger than they are?” From the very first day in business, I researched the myriad tools and resources now available online, offline, and in the cloud. I don’t think I’ve even scratched the surface. GO BIG resource #1: ProfNet for BIG publicity While reading an article online or in a print magazine or newspaper, have you ever asked yourself, “How DO those people get quoted?” I did. And I thought that a public relations firm must have discovered those opportunities and promoted their clients. Of course, that’s what they do. BUT what I didn’t know is that I, by myself, can invest a small amount of marketing dollars and get great placement! Imagine this: Every day, you get an e-mail from ProfNet, tailored to your area of knowledge and expertise. In the e-mail, there is a synopsis showing topics where reporters are looking for input from experts. Who cares if the actual publication isn’t always identified, right? If you’re thinking big, you want it all! Respond to the ones where you can call yourself an expert and give the reporter your insight and opinion on the topic. One of three things will happen: (1) you will be notified that the writer has selected your input and it will be published, (2) your comment/opinion magically shows up in the press, (3) crickets… you’ll never hear. Even if you don’t get quoted this time, keep trying. It’s a numbers game. I invested in ProfNet through one of their partners, PR Leads*, so I could pay for the service monthly. For less than $100 per month, I receive daily proposals and respond to the ones that I am a fit for. And it’s fun! Within just a few months, I had placements in large national and regional publications such as Forbes, U.S. News World Report, The Boston Globe, The Chicago Times, The Fiscal Times, Investor’s Business Daily, and more. Some tricks I learned along the way for appealing to journalists and reporters: 1 Right up front tell them why you are an expert. I say, “I’m your expert because…” then I provide 3 short bullet points. 2 Respond to their question or request. I write, “My insights for you are…” then I write 3 or 4 bullet points that provide my perspective on their topic. Keep those bullets to no more than 2 short sentences for each point. 3 Close by telling them that you will be available if they need to talk or if they would like for you to elaborate on any point. Keep the conversation going! 4 My e-mail signature block automatically has my name, title, cell number, city/state, website URL, and my e-mail address. That way, if they use my input, they know what title to call me and can provide my website if it’s allowed by their publication. Remember, reporters are very busy, under tight deadlines, and receive a lot of responses to their queries. Make it easy for them to use you as a source, but don’t expect a response or try to follow up to ask if you were chosen. Use a monitoring program like to track your quotes through any media: social media, newspapers, and magazines, etc. You can do this! And sometimes there’s a surprise â€" and really cool â€" outcome! ProfNet recently featured me as one of their success stories AND placed my face on a huge megatron in the heart of New York City’s Times Square. I always wanted to see my name in lights… Join Dana Manciagli’s Job Search Master Class now and get the most comprehensive job search system available!